Can Travel Insurance be Claimed on Income Tax

Alright, let’s chat. You, me, taxes, insurance – all that adulting stuff. So, you’ve got a question bouncing around your noggin, and it’s all about travel insurance and taxes.

Can you, or can you not claim travel insurance on income tax? We’re about to dive into that labyrinth and come out with some answers!

The IRS Says…

First things first, let’s talk about the big guns, the IRS. You might imagine them as the all-knowing eye, sitting there in their big tower, scrutinizing your every move.

Well, in general, their all-seeing gaze says that travel insurance is a personal expense. And personal expenses? Nope, sorry, not tax-deductible.

Recommended Plans

✅ Atlas America

Up to $2,000,000 of Overall Maximum Coverage, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Medical coverage for eligible expenses related to COVID-19, Trip Interruption & Travel Delay.

✅ Safe Travels Comprehensive

Coverage for in-patient and out-patient medical accidents up to $1 Million, Coverage of acute episodes of pre-existing conditions, Coverage from 5 days to 364 days (about 12 months).

✅ Patriot America Platinum

Up to $8,000,000 limits, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Coinsurance for treatment received in the U.S. (100% within PPO Network), Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions covered.

Plot Twist: The Exceptions

But hold your horses! Life’s full of exceptions and surprises. There’s always an asterisk, a “but,” or an “unless,” right? Same goes for travel insurance.

There’s a special scenario where your travel insurance might just wiggle its way into being tax-deductible. It all hinges on one magic word: Business. If your travel and the accompanying insurance is directly related to your work or business, then voila, it might be a tax-deductible business expense.

Now, this isn’t a free-for-all. It’s not a case of just holler “business trip” and expect the IRS to nod and look the other way. It’s all a bit complicated, all a bit “it depends.”

It’s contingent on a few things: the nature of your work, the aim of your travel, and the specific coverage your travel insurance provides.

And here’s another curveball: if your travel insurance covers medical evacuations or health stuff, and you’re already claiming a self-employed health insurance deduction, then you might be double-dipping.

Always consult with a tax professional to make sure you’re not just running headlong into a tax predicament.


So, to answer that burning question: “Can travel insurance be claimed on income tax?” The simple answer is generally, no. But life’s rarely simple, is it? There are always exceptions, always variables. The key takeaway here? When it comes to tax deductions, a tax professional is your best friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I work remotely and travel. Can I claim my travel insurance on my tax?

A: The keyword here is “might.” You might be able to, if your travel is primarily business-related and necessary for your work. Always best to consult a tax pro.

Q: Can I claim my travel insurance as a medical expense on my tax?

A: Typically, travel insurance isn’t seen as a medical expense and isn’t tax-deductible. But again, there’s that magic word – “might.” Some specific circumstances could change that. When in doubt, tax pro!

Q: Is travel insurance a deductible business expense?

A: Could be! If your trip’s all about the business and you’ve got the travel insurance to match, you may just have a deductible expense. As always, ask your tax pro to be sure!