Editorial Policy

At VisitCover.com, our commitment to providing accurate, trustworthy, and timely information about travel insurance to our readers is at the forefront of our editorial policy. Our mission is to empower you to make the most informed decisions regarding your travel insurance needs.

Accuracy and Reliability

Our content is meticulously researched, fact-checked, and updated regularly to maintain its relevance and accuracy. Our editorial team, composed of experienced writers and editors, ensures that the information we present aligns with the current standards and trends in the travel insurance industry. We seek to explain complex insurance terms and concepts in clear and simple language to make them understandable to our readers.

Recommended Plans

✅ Atlas America

Up to $2,000,000 of Overall Maximum Coverage, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Medical coverage for eligible expenses related to COVID-19, Trip Interruption & Travel Delay.

✅ Safe Travels Comprehensive

Coverage for in-patient and out-patient medical accidents up to $1 Million, Coverage of acute episodes of pre-existing conditions, Coverage from 5 days to 364 days (about 12 months).

✅ Patriot America Platinum

Up to $8,000,000 limits, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Coinsurance for treatment received in the U.S. (100% within PPO Network), Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions covered.

Objectivity and Fairness

We are committed to providing unbiased, comprehensive information on a wide array of travel insurance options. We strive to present a fair comparison and review of different insurance providers and plans, covering their features, benefits, limitations, and costs.

Expert Sources and References

Whenever possible, we consult with experts in the field of travel insurance and related areas. Our writers and editors extensively review and consider expert opinions, studies, and surveys while crafting the content. Any third-party data, statistics, or claims mentioned in our articles are properly cited to their original sources.

Reader-First Approach

Our content is designed to cater to the needs of our readers. We pay close attention to the questions, feedback, and comments we receive from our audience and endeavor to address their queries and concerns in our articles.

Content Review and Update

Our commitment to accuracy doesn’t end when an article is published. We regularly review and update our content to ensure it reflects the most current information and industry standards.

Accessibility and Usability

VisitCover.com aims to be accessible to a wide range of readers. We strive to create a user-friendly interface, with easy-to-understand content, relevant links, and a responsive layout that works across various devices.

Ethical Guidelines

We adhere to high ethical standards, ensuring that our relationships with insurance companies or advertisers do not influence the integrity of our content. Any sponsored content or advertisements will be clearly distinguished from our editorial content.

By maintaining these standards, VisitCover.com seeks to be a reliable, reader-focused source of information on travel insurance for all your global adventures.